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Marlon Kern edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 5 revisions

The base_simpletemplate class is a simple template class, mainly provided for use with the sys_mail.php object. The class implements simple variable substitution and block conditionals.

Public Methods

=== = $this->parse(, ) === The parse method is the only public method avalable in the base_simpletemplate class. It takes a template, as a string, and a list of values, as a hash array, and then substitutes the variables into the template, which is returned as a string.

Example Usage

The following example :

 echo $myTemplate->parse(
   'Good morning {%user%}. I am ready for my first lesson today.',
     'user' => 'Dr. Chandra'

Will produce the following output

Good morning Dr. Chandra. I am ready for my first lesson today.

Template Syntax

The simple template class recognizes everything within '{%...%}' tags as being template variables which will be substituted. The default tags can be changed by addressing the relevant variables in the class as follows:

 $myTemplate->tagOpen = '[!';
 $myTemplate->tagClose = '!]';

which would change the class to accept everything within '[!...!]' tags as variables.

Conditional Blocks

As well as simple replacement of variables, the template class is also capable of conditional selection, using the reserved words IF and ENDIF.

{% IF language == de %}
  Schwein gehabt!
{% ENDIF %}
{% IF language == en %}
  Lucky you!
{% ENDIF %}

Depending on the value of 'language', parsing the template will output "Schwein gehabt!", "Lucky you!" or an empty string.


The simple template class is not for use on main output by Papaya. XML - XSL template translation should be used in preference.

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