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psygreg edited this page Nov 29, 2024
1 revision
Thanks to all mod creators that made this project possible!
There are modlists for each version under versions. This is the latest version one:
- 1.21 Paintings backport by Leonxkingx
- 1.21.2 Bundle Recipe Backport by Pik4
- Actual Cherries by placa, MCreator
- Almanac by frikinjay
- Amendments by MehVahdJukaar
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Architectury by shedaniel
- Artifacts by ochotonida, Florens
- Autocrafter Early by QuackImpala7321
- BCLib by Quiqueck, paulevs, Bulldog83
- Backported Wolves by EmilSG
- BadOptimizations by Thosea
- Bareback Horse Riding by Rick South
- Beautify by Suel_ki
- Better Advancements by way2muchnoise
- Better Archeology by Pandarix, Dunk3ll1cht
- Better End by Quiqueck (code), paulevs (code & art), Bulldog83 (code & art), Edos (building), Yuki (art), Seaward (art), Firel (music)
- Better End Cities Better End by TheArchitects
- Better Nether by quiqueck, paulevs (original author)
- BetterEnd Crashed Ships by MuonR
- BetterF3 by cominixo, TreyRuffy
- BetterThanMending by legobmw99
- Botarium by CodexAdrian
- Bottle Your Xp by Rick South
- Chat Heads by dzwdz, Fourmisain
- Cherished Worlds by Illusive Soulworks
- Cherry Grove Villages by Shinnyy, WolfGathering
- Cloth Config v11 by shedaniel
- Cloudflared by Zeitheron
- Clumps by Jaredlll08
- Collective by Rick South
- Colorful Subtitles by haykam821
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine by RelativityMC, ishland
- Continuity by PepperCode1
- Copper Hopper by pcal.net
- CopperandTuffBackport by Xanthian
- Cubes Without Borders by Kir_Antipov
- Cull Less Leaves by isXander
- Darceno's Minecarts by darceno
- Deeper and Darker by Kyanite Mods
- Diagonal Fences by Fuzs, XFactHD
- Diagonal Walls by Fuzs, XFactHD
- Diagonal Windows by Fuzs, XFactHD
- DistractingTrims by Darkhax
- Durability Tooltip by SuperMartijn642
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665, LostLuma
- EMI by Emi
- EMI Trades by Prismwork, Flamarine
- Easy Anvils by Fuzs
- Easy Elytra Takeoff by Rick South
- Easy Magic by Fuzs
- Easy Shulker Boxes by Fuzs
- Echo Chest by Fuzs
- Ecologics by SameButDifferent, Zero_DSRS_VX, Drigonis, Crispytwig, Irishjevil, Foquito Azul
- Elytra Trinket by Travis Martin
- Ender Compass by Crossover661
- Endless Music by z3roco01
- Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
- EntityCulling by tr7zw
- Exposure by Mortuusars
- Fabric API by FabricMC
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- Fishing Paradise by BogdanValentin977
- Fishing rod fix by andrewchik
- Forge Config API Port by Fuzs
- Friends & Foes by Faboslav
- Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut by Faboslav
- Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms by Faboslav
- Furnace Recycle by Rick South
- GUI Clock by Rick South
- Game Menu Remove GFARB by MORIMORI0317
- Genshin Instruments by StavWasPlayZ
- Golden Age Combat by Fuzs
- GuardVillagers by MrSterner
- I Want That Back by LordEnder_Kitty
- ImmediatelyFast by RK_01
- Immersive Aircraft by Luke100000
- Incapacitated by Mari (Cartoonish Villain)
- Indium by comp500
- Infinite Trading by Rick South
- Inventory Totem by Rick South
- Iris by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- Joy of Painting by xerca
- Krypton by tuxed
- Let Me Despawn by frikinjay
- Let's Do Addon: Structures by Ninjdai
- Linkart by vini2003, Martmists, melontini
- Lithium by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Lithostitched by Apollo
- Memory Leak Fix by FX - PR0CESS
- Mod Loading Screen by Gaming32
- Mod Menu by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- ModpackUtils by UltimatChamp
- MojangLogoAnimation by Hashibutogarasu
- Moonlight by MehVahdJukaar
- Musket Mod by ewewukek
- Necronomicon by ElocinDev
- Nether Chested by Fuzs
- Netherite Recycling by notblue
- NiftyCarts by MennoMax, paul101, jmb19905
- No Enderman Grief by Jodek
- OG Progress Bar by Foksha
- Passive Shield by Rick South
- Plasmo Voice by Plasmo
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Realistic Bees by Rick South
- Replanting Crops by Rick South
- Replay Mod by CrushedPixel, johni0702
- Resourceful Lib by ThatGravyBoat, Epic_Oreo
- Respawning Shulkers by Rick South
- Sculk Expansion by badooga, rennen_rig
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded by Exopandora
- Simple Copper Pipes by Luna, Treetrain1
- Simple Menu by Rick South
- SimpleMod by TheArchitects
- Small Ships by talhanation, metroite
- Sodium by @jellysquid3
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- SplashChanger by MrSam7K
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib by SuperMartijn642
- Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar, Plantkillable
- TerraBlender by Adubbz
- Too Many Binds by NebelNidas, dzwdz
- Tree Harvester by Rick South
- Trinkets by Emi, C4
- Universal Graves by Patbox
- Unseaworthy by murphy slaw
- Vein Mining by Illusive Soulworks
- Visuality by PinkGoosik
- Wool Tweaks by Rick South
- World Play Time by Khajiitos
- Xaero's Minimap by xaero96
- Xaero's World Map by xaero96
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- YUNG's Better Dungeons by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better End Island by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- YUNG's Better Strongholds by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Extras by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isXander
- [Let's Do Addon] AppleWood by berksire
- [Let's Do Addon] Corn Expansion by Ninjdai, KalWantsPizza, Satisfy
- [Let's Do Addon] Fluids by Ninjdai
- [Let's Do Addon]: Photographers by diacritics-owo
- [Let's Do] API by Cristelknight, BaumeisterJO
- [Let's Do] Bakery by satisfy
- [Let's Do] Beachparty by Satisfy, BaumeisterJo, Cristelknight
- [Let's Do] BloomingNature by satisfy
- [Let's Do] Brewery by BaumeisterJO, satisfy, EC
- [Let's Do] Camping by satisfy, jason13
- [Let's Do] Candlelight by satisfy_u, BaumeisterJo, Cristelknight
- [Let's Do] Farm & Charm by satisfy
- [Let's Do] Furniture by berksire, satisfy, cph101
- [Let's Do] HerbalBrews by satisfy
- [Let's Do] Meadow by satisfy, Cristelknight999, BMJO
- [Let's Do] NetherVinery by satisfy
- [Let's Do] Vinery by satisfy, Cristelknight, BaumeisterJO
- [Let's Do] WilderNature by satisfy, jason13
- emi-letsdo-compat
- oωo by glisco, BasiqueEvangelist, Noaaan