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With new crops and food items, come new farming mechanics and resources.
Can be converted to fertilized farmland or used to quickly grow larger fields.
With a hoe: Right-click while holding the hoe in your main hand to convert it into fertilized farmland. Fertilized Farmland cannot be trampled down and has a small chance of randomly applying the Bone Meal effect to the crop planted on it.
With a pitchfork: Right-click while holding the pitchfork in your main hand to apply the Bone Meal effect to up to 8 crops within a radius of several blocks. Can be used up to 4 times per fertilized soil block.
Drops from Coconut Trees when they grow and has the same effect as Milk.
A new desert food that grows on top of fully grown Cacti. Eating it deals damage to you unless they are cooked.
Can be found in the wilds and cultivated from a Lattice (jungle grapes) or Stem (normal, taiga, and savanna grapes).
The Stem is two blocks high, and to place the respective seeds, you must (while holding the seeds) click on the upper part.
There are many other new plant foods that can be cultivated and harvested, like Tomatoes, Onions, Coffee, Strawberries, Oat, and many more, that can be either eaten on their own or used in cooking, baking and brewing to make interesting food items, so be ready to grab them when you find them in the wilds!
Crops can be harvested and automatically replanted with a hoe, by simply hitting the crops with it. That makes hoes more useful and also makes more sense than just replanting them regardless of tool.
Can be filled with up to 4 seeds. Friendly and neutral animals in the vicinity will periodically go to the Feeding Trough to eat; after eating, they become ready to mate.
Note: It does not matter which type of seeds you use. All seeds work for all animals.
The Water Sprinkler is perfect for irrigating surrounding farmland and also looks incredibly good!
The sprinkler irrigates all farmland at the same height within a reach of up to 8 blocks. During rain and storms, the sprinkler automatically turns off.
Note: The sprinkler requires no water supply and does not need to be refilled.
You can till dirt with the help of horses, mules and donkeys by using a Plow equipped with Hoes. Plows can also be used with Shovels to make paths, and Axes to strip logs.
A beautiful decoration for walls, passageways, etc., which can also be used to cultivate jungle grapes.
The application is quite simple: Target the lattice and right-click to place your jungle grape seeds.
It connects to the adjacent lattice to the right or left. If you're holding an axe and right-click on the Lattice, you can toggle the supports on or off. It also offers two different placement options: on top of the block or on the side of another block.
Required to cultivate all grapes, except for Jungle ones - that should be planted on a Lattice instead.
The Stem is two blocks high, and to place the respective seeds, you must (while holding the seeds) click on the upper part.
Can be used to improve farming of Hops and Tomatoes.
Even though those can grow without a rope, they can be further stabilized with the use of one. This additional stabilization allows them to grow taller than 2 blocks.
The rope can be attached to both fence posts and tripwire hooks. Ropes can also be stretched diagonally. At a height of more than 3 blocks, vertical ropes are automatically created at valid positions - if these are not needed, they can be easily removed with shears.
It's a renewable source for Bone Meal. It offers the same functions as the latter and has a maximum usage of 4, and after the Watering Can has been used 4 times, it can be refilled at a water source.
Applies the Bone Meal effect over a large area.