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This modpack introduces some new mobs, and changes some old ones. It may be handy to know what they can do!
Now won't attack you while using a golden trim on any armor.
A new miniboss that summons Illusions and attacks the player through spells and splash potions. Hitting an illusion will cause it to disappear, and only hitting the real Illusioner can kill him. They can drop a Totem of Illusion, a trinket that is a more powerful version of the Totem of Immortality as it also summons illusions of yourself when impeding your death to distract enemies.
They only spawn in their Illusioner Shack, a new structure, and they won't respawn once killed.
Defeated by the Glow Squid in the mob vote, we did it some justice by adding it to Vanilla Max. It spawns in Mountain Peaks, and will throw chunks of ice at anyone brave or dumb enough to come close to it.
A non-flying bird spawning in the Savanna, it is very aggressive and will attack any player in sight.
It can be created by thunderstorms, and when approached, it will summon Zombie Horsemen.
This new Nether boss is the master of blazes. It has four shields surrounding it and will attack with shockwaves and barrages of debris. Summons blazes for assistance when cornered.
It can only be found within its Citadel.
While it's not as agressive as any hostile mob, it will knock you over with its horns if you get too close. It's pacified and attracted by Grass. Spawns naturally in Savanna biomes, and cannot be bred by players.
Termites keep mostly to themselves in their mounds. Attempting to dig them out will make them attack you.
Known in its attempt at winning the mob vote as 'the great hunger', it will hunt for small animals like chicken and rabbits. You can give it enchanted items to store the experience spent on those in it, and then extract that later with a bottle, but be careful: it gets bigger the more experience it gets, and it may become big enough to hunt you.
Have a chance to spawn in all types of forests. Generally, they are peaceful animals. However, if they have babies with them and you approach them, there is a chance they will attack you.
Note: Those are Bears. You can't tame them!
Defeated in the 2023 mob vote, it's here to give you extra fast travels by boats and ships. And no one can deny it's cute too. Can be bred with Fish.
A flowery cow that attracts bees and spawns in flowery biomes and at the Beekeeper's House.
A smaller sheep found in mountainous terrain. Has significantly better wool yields when sheared, otherwise has the same loot as a normal Sheep.
Wooly cows can be sheared for uniquely patterned wool or milked for fresh milk. They naturally spawn in various variants: Umbra, Beige, and Warped. Can be attracted and bred with Wheat.
Warped wooly cows, with their distinct appearance, emerge near lit nether portals within the warped forests of the Nether, mirroring the spawn behavior of zombie piglins in the Overworld.
The only source of Buffalo Meat and Buffalo Milk. Can be attracted and bred with Wheat.
A happy animal that can be found on the beaches that will wave its claw to you. That Crab Claw can be used to craft a potion that increases your reach!
A pretty good source of food that can sporadically drop leather, Deer can be attracted and bred with Grass. Spawn naturally in forests.
They behave like pigs, which means they are attracted to and can be bred by using Potatoes or Carrots. They also give the same loot.
They behave like chicken, for the most part, but give you Turkey Meat instead of Raw Chicken.
Can be found pretty much everywhere, specially near villages. Can open doors randomly. Cannot be tamed.
Can now find more interesting loot by sniffing around, including a small chance at finding Ancient Debris in the Nether! They also may spawn naturally in villages.
There are many new decorative animals to bring the world alive, from Squirrels and Flamingos to Hedgehogs. Sheep can also come in new colours!
The 1.20.5 update to Wolves, giving them different fur, was backported into Vanilla Max!
A new Wolf variant introduced by the modpack that sneaks on its targets for the first strike, dealing bonus damage! Other than that, it behaves pretty much like a Wolf would.
Dogs can be found alone or rarely in couples in villages and plains. Unlike Wolves, they are neutral and will not attack anyone, but will chase after Cats.
Found in forests, sleeps during the day and hunts at night. Can be tamed with Rotten Flesh and carried on the shoulders like Parrots. They target and attack most smaller animals.
A small companion you can find in lush caves that dislikes darkness. It can show you where mobs can spawn, so you can quickly light it up. They can be bred with Glowberries, but they snack on it so I would advise you have your farm for it separated from Glares.
The sibling of the Copper Golem can hold and display an item given to it. But when they're not asleep they tend to walk around quite a bit. Wax them to keep them in place.
They can spawn naturally in villages with a Copper Golem Shrine, or be built by players, and will press any buttons in sight. Wax them so they don't oxidize and become stuck.
Another mob defeated in a mob vote, it may show up in abandoned mineshafts wanting to play hide and seek. Keep track of it to get a bundle of rewards!