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psygreg edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 13 revisions

This section will be dedicated to mechanics in the modpack that are not vanilla. Crafting recipes can be found through EMI, but not mechanics.


Most modpacks suffer from many mods requiring the same keybinds, which makes the experience messy and inconvenient for players. This is addressed in Vanilla Max by undoing some binds that rarely ever see use. They can be found and used by pressing Y to show the unassigned binds menu instead.

Crop and Harvesting Changes

Crops can be harvested and automatically replanted with a hoe, by simply hitting the crops with it. That makes hoes more useful and also makes more sense than just replanting them regardless of tool.

Tomatoes can be harvested like berry bushes, by right-clicking them.

There are many new wild plants that offer crops, making a village no longer necessary for things like Potatoes and Carrots.

You can harvest entire trees by breaking their base block with an axe while crouching resembling real life lumberjacks. You can notice it's working by it taking a while longer to break that block, as there's an added time depending on the tree's size.

Mining Changes

A new enchantment, Vein Mining, is available. It can be purchased from villagers, found in chests through exploration or made in the traditional Enchantment Table; and allows you to break up to 7 adjacent blocks of the ore you just harvested. Such amount is the balance between not making things too easy but making the enchantment worth the effort to get it.

Death and Respawning Changes

Now, if you receive lethal damage with no totems of immortality or trinkets of similar effect, you will become incapacitated. In that state, you cannot break blocks, and will be stuck at crawling. A friend can revive you in that state, and you can revive yourself with an Enchanted Golden Apple, or buy more time for a friend to arrive with a more common Golden Apple. You will bleed out in 20 seconds if nothing is done, and you can only enter that state three times before dying immediately to lethal damage - the counter resets afterwards.

When you die, your partially buried corpse will remain where you last died for 10 minutes, during which you can go back to it and retrieve all your items and experience.

Combat Changes

The modpack reintroduces the pre-1.9 combat mechanics (a.k.a. spam-clicking), but Shields remain the only way to block incoming attacks. They will also reduce the damage taken by 30% if worn in your offhand even if you don't enter blocking stance. Shields equipped in your offhand will not appear on screen in first-person mode when not in blocking stance. Swords are also no longer capable of sweeping attacks without the Sweeping Edge enchantment.

It also introduces new gunpowder-based weapons that can be crafted or found in the world, specially Woodland Mansions:

  • Flintlock Pistol: has a short to medium range and deals the lowest damage of all of them, but are the fastest to reload and the only ones that can be used with the offhand, allowing you to dual-wield them.
  • Musket: a balanced weapon with medium range and damage.
  • Sniper: a long range rifle with high damage and a scope that takes the longest to reload.
  • Blunderbuss: a devastating, very short-ranged weapon.

They require Paper Cartridges for ammo. When using one of those, hold right-click to load until the load indicator turns black, and then right-click again to fire. Skeletons have a 5% chance of appear using one of those weapons instead of a bow, and Pillagers have a 20% chance of appearing using those instead of a crossbow.

Villager Changes

There is no limit on villager trading in the modpack.


Offers trades related to archeology and is mostly found near ruins. It's one of the additions from the overall archeology improvements done in the modpack to make engaging with this mechanic more compelling and impactful.


A villager that can be found in any biome that bees can also spawn and offers trades related to honey and wax. As he has his own structure, he does not require a village to spawn.


They spawn in groups of up to six, within villages, and will attack mobs or players that attack villagers. They will also assist the player if they are under the effect Hero of the Village, and allow the player access to their inventory, allowing them to give guards armor. You can convert a nitwit into a guard by crouching and right clicking them with a Sword or Crossbow - the item will be given to them and turn them into guards. They will be healed by Cleric villagers with splash potions, that will also heal players if they are under the effect Hero of the Village.


A villager found in Vineries that offers trades related to winemaking. You can only obtain a Basket, a storage item with 9 slots that works similarly to a Shulker Box, from them. Its job block is the Apple Press.


A villager that trades food related items. Its job block is the Cooking Pot.

Storage Changes

We have a few new craftable items meant to address certain storage needs.

  • Backpack: has a common chest's worth of space, and can be equipped in your backpack slot and carried around with you to be accessed anytime by pressing B. You can also place it in the world and right click to access it like a chest.
  • Nether Chest: harnesses the power of the Nether for a more compact form of storage. It has the slots of a double chest, and allows storing eight times more per slot of every stackable item in the game, making it very useful to store large amounts of building and decoration blocks. Can be grabbed (b4).
  • Echo Chest: harnesses the power of ressonance to attract all dropped items and experience in an 8-block radius to itself. The experience collected by Echo Chests can be used to craft Bottles o' Enchanting, making it very useful to simplify designs of mob farms. Can be grabbed (b4).

Ships and Aircraft (except for the Gyrodyno and Quadrocopter) also have storage space.


(Since b3) Smithing Templates are now cheaper to clone. That was done in order to represent more adequately Netherite's place as no longer the endgame tier gear, but rather a late game tier.

(Since b4) You can grab certain blocks and passive/friendly entities less than 1.2 blocks wide and tall by Shift + Right-click.