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psygreg edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

This modpack revamps transportation pretty much completely, making the Elytra no longer the endgame, but rather a tool among many others.

Minecarts and Rails

Minecarts and railways have receive some much needed attention. They can now go much faster, and Minecarts can be linked together with by right-clicking them with a Chain in hand. Chest Minecarts that weren't naturally generated or Minecarts with a mob inside can also load chunks as long as they are on rails, giving them yet another function and allowing their use for long distance transportation without requiring a player. Powered rails are also more affordable, giving double the output per crafting.


Aircraft are introduced for various purposes. They are very intuitive to operate, with controls similar to Creative mode flight - except for the Biplane which needs to takeoff and land in a way resembling its real-life version. Some of them can transport entities as well - to take them out, you can just Shift + Right-click the vehicle.

  • Quadrocopter: the most basic flying machine isn't really meant for travelling, but for giving you an easier time building big projects, working as a 'flying Scaffolding' and allowing you to place blocks similarly to what you would do in creative mode, on survival. It's powered by pedal, so it will use up your hunger bar instead of fuel.
  • Gyrodyno: the simplest flying machine that can be used for travelling. It's also pedal powered, but flies significantly faster than a Quadrocopter.
  • Airship: a flying machine viable for long distance travels fueled by Blocks of Coal, Charcoal or Blaze Powder. While not a particularly fast one at that, it makes up for it by having some storage space, and being upgradable to a Cargo Airship.
  • Cargo Airship: the upgraded Airship can be best described as a flying storage unit. It's capable of carrying up to five chests worth of items and can be upgraded to a Warship.
  • Warship: a massive upgrade to the Cargo Airship that adds even more storage and is capable of being armed with a Bomb Bay or Rotary Cannons, raining destruction upon your enemies from above.
  • Biplane: the fastest of aircraft requires a track from which to perform takeoffs and landings. It can be upgraded to go as fast as an Elytra, and can carry half a chest worth of storage. It can also be armed with Rotary Cannons, and has the same fuel consumption rate as airships, making it very economical for long, fast travels when you don't need to transport many items.

Aircraft Upgrades

Aircraft can receive various upgrades, that can give them more fuel efficiency, engine power, durability and make them less susceptible to wind. You should try mixing and matching them to give your aircraft the properties you want from them!

Ships and Boat Changes

The ships are introduced to make sea travelling more interesting and also realistic. They are faster than boats and can be equipped with Cannons, that will use Cannonballs in the ships' storage to give it serious firepower and allowing for alternative approaches to structures near or within water, specially Ocean Monuments. To start navigating the seas, you can open your sails by pressing G and then control it as usual when inside a ship.

Drakkars and Galleys can move even with their sails closed as they have paddles, although at a slower pace. The Cog is the smallest ship, and the Brigg is the largest: the larger the ship, the larger the storage space it provides, the more passengers and cannons it can carry, but also the more space it requires to navigate. Ships provide massive storage when compared to other means of transportation.

To incentivize players to engage with ships, the vanilla Boats were nerfed to break in deep oceans.

Boats and Ships are equally affected by the speed boost given by having Penguins nearby.

Carts and Animals

Besides the aforementioned Plows, there are also some Carts for easier item transportation and to get better use of horses, donkeys, mules and camels, often left forgotten by players.

  • Supply Cart: a movable storage than can be pulled by an animal. Press R to attach them to an animal.
  • Handcart: a smaller movable storage that can be pushed by the player.
  • Animal Cart: can carry up to two mobs and is pulled by an animal. Press R to attach them to an animal.

You can ride horses, donkeys and mules without a saddle, but that comes at a speed penalty. That penalty can be negated by leather pants at the cost of some durability.

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